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Latest news

Thank you for the music
A grant from The Charity of Thomas Oken & Nicholas Eyffler, is helping to unlock the power of music for residents living at Woodside Care Village in Warwick...
First newsletter of the year available now
Our first newsletter of 2024 is now available to read online. It's a bumper 20-page edition that celebrates the long service of our staff, and updates youย abou...
Latest newsletter now available
Our spring/summer newsletter is available to read online now. It's the perfect excuse to take a break with a cuppa and catch up with what's been happening acros...
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Get in touch

WCS Care Group
Head Office - Newlands
Whites Row
Kenilworth CV8 1HW
Registered charity number: 1012788
Registered in England (address above)
Registered company number: 2713150

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